
Stelle Nello Sport

Stelle nello Sport sostiene dal 2000 la Gigi Ghirotti, ente che si occupa di assistenza socio-sanitaria di persone con malattie inguaribili che necessitano di cure palliative: a domicilio e presso due Hospice a Genova.

Nel 2022 la Gigi Ghirotti è diventata formalmente Fondazione nel Terzo Settore. Più della metà delle risorse proviene da donazioni private e da eventi di raccolta fondi.

Questa “Asta” è storicamente promossa da Stelle nello Sport, il progetto ideato da Michele Corti (membro del Cda della Fondazione Gigi Ghirotti) che promuove in Liguria i valori dello sport e promuove numerosi eventi di interesse sociale.

Alla Fondazione presieduta dal Prof. Franco Henriquet, sono stati donati ad oggi da Stelle nello Sport 365.000 euro.

L’Asta è dedicata al ricordo di Gian Luigi Corti, storico giornalista e dirigente sportivo, fondatore al fianco del figlio Michele di Stelle nello Sport.

Sono scese in campo al nostro fianco le stelle più luminose dello sport mondiale: da Valentino Rossi a Federica Pellegrini, da Bebe Vio ad Alex Zanardi. E ancora Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Milito, Del Piero, Totti, Mancini, Ibrahimovic, Buffon, Platini, Magnini, Pizzo, Tempesti, Tamberi, Straneo, Vettel, Eto’, Vanessa Ferrari, Piccinini, Pennetta, Vezzali, Moioli, Egonu, Antonio Rossi, Nino Benvenuti, Cammarelle, Sagan, Bugno, Bargnani, Mc Enroe, Fognini, Campriani… e molti altri.

Clicking here is possible to read the article from Sport Mediaset.

Amount Raised: 17.250,00 €

Memorabid auctions

"Memorabid Auctions" - identified by a gold graphic design, are promoted and authenticated by the platform, which guarantees every aspect of the item as described in the accompanying text, including authenticity of the athlete’s signature as well as offering certification that the item was really worn in the indicated match.

All the items presented in this section are stored in the Memorabid warehouse, are photographed by the in-house team and are displayed using “360 photo” technology.

When a customer wins a “Memorabid Auction” will have the chance to purchase a COA “Certificate Of Authenticity” (an official document with an NFC Chip related to one sticked on his memorabilia, to certify the authenticity of the purchased item) at a cost of 25 euros at check out.
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Raspadori Italy match shirt - Signed
National team match | 2021/2022
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182 €
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Tennis Racket used by Musetti - Signed
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163 €
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Milik Juventus store shirt - Signed
Serie A | 2022/2023
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170 €
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Musetti Park Tennis Genova shirt - Signed
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50 €
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Italian Rugby store shirt - Signed by the team
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220 €
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Egonu Italy Volleyball match jersey
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152 €
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Maria Centracchio Italy judo shirt - Signed
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50 €
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Fencing Italy national shirt - Signed
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52 €
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Bellini Italy match worn shirt - Signed
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50 €
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Asia and Alice d'Amato match leotard worn - Signed
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211 €
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Women's national shirt - Signed
National team match | 2021/2022
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256 €
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Cristina Chirichella Italy Volleyball match shirt - Signed
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181 €
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Alessandro Michieletto Italy Volleyball match shirt - Signed
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261 €
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Balotelli Adana Demirspor match shirt - Signed
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73 €
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Nzola Spezia match shirt - Signed
Serie A | 2022/2023
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240 €
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Gaston Virtus Entella match shirt
Serie A | 2022/2023
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95 €
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Criscito Genoa match shirt - Signed
Serie B | 2022/2023
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121 €
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Quagliarella Sampdoria match shirt - Signed
Serie A | 2022/2023
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270 €
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Bastianini store flag - Signed
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50 €
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Paolucci Virtus Entella match shirt
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50 €
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Djuricic Sampdoria match shirt - Signed
Serie A | 2022/2023
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126 €
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Morbidelli Yamaha match soaps - Signed
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59 €
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Badelj Genoa match shirt - Signed
Serie B | 2022/2023
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255 €
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Bagnaia Ducati store shirt - Signed
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135 €
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Holm Spezia match shirt - Signed
Serie A | 2022/2023
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61 €
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Chiosa Virtus Entella match shirt
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60 €
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Gudmundsson Genoa match shirt - Signed
Serie B | 2022/2023
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185 €
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Gabbiadini Sampdoria match shirt - Signed
Serie A | 2022/2023
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232 €
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Noziglia Italian national archery World Games of Birmingham (USA) shirt - Signed
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120 €
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Rebagliati Italian national archery Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 shirt - Signed
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126 €